Friday, November 29, 2013

The benefits of recycling paper.

Did you know!!!

  • In the manufacturing process of recycled paper 74% less air pollution is generated 35% less water pollution is generated 58% less water is required 64% less energy is required.
  • For every 15,000 tons of old newspaper recycled annually, 30 jobs are created to collect the paper, 40 jobs are created to process the paper, and 75 jobs are required to manufacture the newsprint.
  • Every ton of recycled paper saves approximately 4 barrels of oil, 4,200 kilowatt hours of energy and enough energy to heat and air-condition the average North American home for almost 6 months.

Gabriel and Sons Recycling

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Your Sunday Newspaper.

Did you know!!!

  • Making a ton of virgin paper requires 3,688 lbs. of wood, 24,000 gallons of water, 216 lbs. of lime, 360 lbs. of salt cake and 76 lbs. of soda ash. We then have to treat and dispose of 84 lbs. of air pollutants, 36 lbs. of water pollutants and 176 lbs. of solid waste.
  • It takes more than 500,000 trees to produce the newspapers Americans read each Sunday, yet only 30% of all newspapers are recycled.
  • If everyone in the U.S. recycled just 1/10th of their newsprint, we would save the estimated equivalent of about 25 million trees a year.

Gabriel and Sons Recycling

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Reasons LivingTrees Are Valuable

Did you know!!!

  • Trees Produce Oxygen, A mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year.
  • Trees Clean the Soil, The term phytoremediation is a fancy word for the absorption of dangerous chemicals and other pollutants that have entered the soil. 
  • Trees Slow Storm Water Runoff, Flash flooding can be dramatically reduced by a forest or by planting trees. Trees help intercept gallons of water.
  •  Trees Are Carbon Sinks, To produce its food, a tree absorbs and locks away carbon dioxide in the wood, roots and leaves.This locking-up process "stores" carbon as wood and not as an available "greenhouse" gas.
  • Trees Clean the Air, Trees remove this air pollution, airborne particles, and carbon monoxide  by lowering air temperature, through respiration, and by retaining particulates.

Gabriel and Sons Recycling

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How is Paper Made?

Did you know!!!

  1. Trees are cut down in the forest and are then sent to a paper mill.
  2. At the paper mill, a machine removes the bark from the wood. 
  3. Once the bark is removed from the wood, it is chopped into very small pieces with a chipper.
  4. The chipped wood and some chemicals are added to a big pressure cooker.
  5. Now the soft, slippery paper pulp or slurry is poured into a container. The container pours the slurry onto a large screen. This is where the water is drained from the paper.
  6. Next, the paper is pressed flat between two rollers.
  7. Then it needs to dry which involves using air and or heat to remove water from the paper sheet.

Gabriel and Sons Recycling

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Amazing History of Paper!

Did you know!!!

  •  2,000 years ago a Chinese government official and scholar named Ts'ai Lun  is grinding up plants - mulberry bark, linen and hemp. He makes a big wet mush of separate fibers, then spreads it all out in a mat made of coarse cloth and a bamboo frame.
  • After the sun has dried the matted material, he's made something really remarkable, paper.
  • Even though archaeological evidence shows that paper may have been made even a little earlier, Ts'ai Lun was the first to have his efforts recorded.

Gabriel and Sons Recycling